How to Bug In Forever (Crash Course)

This is probably the most counter-intuitive aspect of survival. One that very few newbie preppers know about… but do you know what the military, navy seals, expert preppers, hardcore bushcraft survivalists and all of their families will do during the next disaster?

99% of them will bug in. That’s what they’re prepping for right now, and so should you.

Why? Because bugging out is flat-out dangerous. You’ll be out there, in the wild or on a highway, vulnerable, with no shelter, lmited supplies and dangers at every step.

Dan F. Sullivan, one of the top survival experts, has put together a fantastic an A to Z home study How to Bug In Forever Crash Course with easy-to-follow instructions that even a kid can do… something to prepare you for the 30+ disasters and emergencies.

Evacuating when disaster strikes will kill the vast majority of those who decide to do it. I don’t know who started this trend but I don’t like where it’s going…

Most disasters and catastrophes require you to bug in for at least 3 weeks and wait for the dust to settle…

This is the only survival course filled to the brim with actionable advice that you won’t find anywhere else.

The clock is ticking and one thing’s for sure: whatever hits you, you cannot postpone it. There’s only one way to buy yourself more time, and that’s to start prepping right now. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be 100% protected. All you need is 1 hour / day to put this plan into action and feel safer with each day… Read more…