Magic Relationship Words

Using what we call “magic words” is very important in creating a close, connected, vital and alive relationship. You’ll find these additional “magic words” in the book and audio program by Susie and Otto Collins called “Magic Relationship Words” that you can download right now.

Saying the wrong thing to someone (sometimes even the smallest thing) can absolutely wreck a relationship. The “Magic Relationship Words” are a totally awesome collection of thoughtful and logical words to wrap a thought into that conveys the feeling that the message is coming from a loving place.

Magic Relationship Words” book and audio program is for you:

  • If you or your partner have any challenges at all in communicating your thoughts, feelings or emotions to each other, then this “Magic Relationship Words” book and audio program is for you.
  • If you’d like to know the exact words and phrases to say to your partner, spouse or lover so that you never stumble over finding the right words to say to them, then this book and audio program is for you.
  • If you would like to know how to communicate your needs to your partner and be able to understand their needs without conflict, then this book and audio program is for you.

Magic Relationship Words Ebook – instantly downloadable ebook with over 100 magic words, phrases and sentence starters that will help you say it right every single time with your spouse or partner…

Part 1: The “Magic Words Mindset”
The mindset you’ll want to adopt when you communicate with your partner and any other important person in your life.

Part 2: Getting Your Verbal and Non-verbal Congruent

  • The exact tonality you’ll want to use
  • Body language you’ll want to be aware of
  • Attitudes you’re going to need to know to make sure all the other parts of you are congruent with the new words you’re going to be using.

Part 3: 83 examples of “Magic Words,” phrases or a sentence-starters to instantly improve your communication and connection

Magic Relationship Words That Build Trust Audios – 2 instantly downloadable audios about how to use ONLY the words that build trust in your relationship or marriage.

You’ll love the short format “Magic Relationship Words” because it makes it easy to read it from cover to cover or just open the book each day and choose one of the magic words at random to practice during that day. The key is to try them out and practice them… Read more…