The Whale Picks

The Whale Picks from the “sports Betting Whale,” a number and pattern-recognition genius who was the largest sports bettor in the US turned a starting $1,000 bankroll into about $40 million. These days, it’s more difficult to drain millions of dollars from the sportsbooks week after week after week because the sportsbooks have become more risk-averse.

So if you’re sick and tired of old fuddy-duddy picks off the deep end from the lightweights who can’t even tell which way the wind blows, then it’s time to start following along with “The Whale” of sports betting.

It’s time for you to start mirroring along with a sports bettor of almost mythical reputation. Perk up your ears, and step forward to a program that may change your life and financial fortunes – forever!

All you’d have to do each day is check your email and throw your bets on his selections. Now sit back, relax, and watch as the winnings potentially erupt like a burgeoning volcano right before your very eyes!

The Whale Picks are not for the faint-hearted. If you’re the type who prefer to build up your bankroll slowly and methodically, then follow along with any of the other sports handicapping juniors who can get you a few units of win every other day.

These selections are designed for the serious wealth profiteers who are looking for a way to multiply their fortunes exponentially. It’s made for the emotionless sports bettor who can wager on games with a mechanical mindset for skyscraping advancement. Here is key:

You must be able to handle strings of losses.

With The Whale Picks, you cannot allow yourself to prematurely back down and curl up in a big ball of misery when losses occur. You will have losing days. In fact, you may have a series of consecutive losing days…and then in a masterstroke, you can wipe out all your losses and begin taking off in a rocket-mad surge as soon as you hit just one good day!

That’s the power of The Whale Picks. It all comes down to the multiplier effect associated with the Round Robin betting strategy. With these picks, you won’t be grinding out on the small wins.

Here’s how a Round Robin bet works. Round robin bets are essentially a betting strategy where… Read more…