
TradeMiner will rank the results according to a proprietary ranking system. This system ranks higher the picks with the greatest gains in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of historical risk.

Simply put, it helps us find historical market patterns and cycles on a seasonal basis.

The ranking works on a scale from zero to five, and includes an easy-to-read, color coded key; red proceed with extreme caution, yellow to proceed with caution, and green for go for it!*

The variety of charts in TradeMiner allows you to see the results of the previous years, identify risk vs. reward and see detailed trade logs of past years’ trends.

In TradeMiner you can select any of the following charts and they will show up in the lower larger Chart Window. This larger view provides and additional details for any chosen trade.

With all the many options of things to trade, TradeMiner can help to narrow your list down to a few trades that have long historical seasonal trends.

With TradeMiner, it’s not enough that we just know what markets have done in the past, we want to know the likelihood of them repeating again this year.

TradeMiner has three versions, Stocks, Futures & Forex So there’s something for everyone… Read more…