Physique Zero

With Physique Zero you’ll achieve a ripped new physique—adding more strength, size, and confidence—with 70-second sets that maximize every muscle fiber in your body… without leaving your house!

And it won’t matter if you’re busy, have bad genetics, are out of shape, or are in your 40s, 50s, or 60s. Physique Zero is the hassle-free way to get the body you desire and deserve.

What is Physique Zero?

It’s a strength-boosting, muscle-building, and fat-blasting program by Alain Gonzalez.

It’s founded on the principle that you can improve strength, muscle and muscular endurance in one set when you train to the 70-second “steroid barrier” which stimulates hidden muscle fibers, increases testosterone and puts your muscles in the perfect anabolic environment to grow.

Key Benefits

Here’s what Physique Zero does that no other at-home program will do for you:

  • Directs Protein Traffic Into The Muscle
  • Brings Out Hidden Muscle Fibers
  • Creates Anabolic Environment In Muscle
  • Releases ‘Steroid Juice’ Into The Muscle

No other at-home program on the planet activates all 3 muscle fibers in only 70 seconds for explosive gains like Physique Zero.

A revealing study found that 97 out of 100 women find a man with this body irresistible… and she can’t help it:

And women are hard-wired to crave a man who has these features. And with Physique Zero — you’ll have no problem getting an alpha physique.

You have yet to see another bodyweight training program that gives you so much value. And makes you stronger, more muscular and able to last longer in just seconds…

And it’s so amazingly simple you’ll have no problem sticking to it. Because it only takes 8 minutes to complete.

No drive to the gym. No workout equipment… You can perform each workout in your pajamas if you really want to!


I highly recommend this program to any busy man who wants a lean, strong and capable physique. Age, weight, training experience and even your current schedule won’t affect your ability to use this program safely and effectively every time you train.

If you want to get ripped using short and safe workouts that you can do from home then the Physique Zero program is for you… Read more…