The Tao of Badass

Some skinny trailer park loser who was a total chump around women read some psychological facts and now is known as one of the top seducers in the world.

His name is Joshua Pellicer. He is the creator of The Tao of Badass Attraction System.

How does this skinny loser get women!?

Even though he grew up in a trailer park, the guy is a genius in being badass with women.

Crazy huh?

You see, Josh discovered something called “Pre-Selection”. It’s how females choose their mate.

Whether it’s a freakin’ goldfish or some super hot 10 at a bar.

With what Josh found out…

  • Looks don’t matter
  • Money doesn’t matter
  • Being shy or talkative… doesn’t matter

The Tao Of Badass takes advantage of a little known psychological “loophole” with women.

When Josh discovered it. He became obsessed with it.

For 8 years, he practiced it. Not just for himself, but because he wanted to help out all kinds of guys. He tested it thousands of times. He then cracked the code on what worked.

So he created  The Tao Of Badass system that works. Period.

He has a simple “Map of the Interaction”.

This little map is a simple formula for attracting women. No complicated “routines”. And no wondering what the heck you should talk about.


None of that.

All you gotta do is leverage the scientifically proven “Pre-Selection” (anyone can do it… hey if a goldfish can so can you) and that cute girl your talking too will be doing most of the work.

Hard to believe?

Josh is known as one of the top dating coaches in the world.

He has about… oh 100,000 or so clients who are using this dating advice system.

The success rate of The Tao Of Badass users is a whopping 95.7%… Read more…