The Man Diet

MAN_DIET_3D_eBookForget everything you’ve heard about “eating healthy”. Most of what you think is healthy is actually contributing to your bulging waistline and an inability to build muscle.

Best-Selling Author of the Man Diet, featured in Men’s Fitness, Men’s Health, EliteFTS,, Art of Manliness.

I’m going to show you how to make simple changes to your diet that will give you MORE freedom, but allow you to burn more fat and build more muscle. You see, there’s one hormone that men need more than any other…

I’m going to show you how to make simple changes to your diet that will give you MORE freedom, but allow you to burn more fat and build more muscle. You see, there’s one hormone that men need more than any other…

  • I’ve helped guys from all walks of life, be they pro athletes or average Joe’s, build their ideal bodies. And through my years of experience I’ve discovered one constant…
  • Men are experiencing lower testosterone levels with each decade. We’re producing less of this powerful hormone that literally makes us MEN, with each generation. Our bellies are getting bigger and we’re producing less and less Testosterone… Coincidence?
  • As you begin to produce less testosterone, your body has a much more difficult time burning off excess body fat. To compound this, the more body fat you have, the more likely you are to suffer from “low T”.

Most diets simply aren’t made for men. They don’t provide us with the building blocks for testosterone. And if… Read more…